ROTARY CLUB OF CALCUTTA VISIONARIES, as a part of it's commitment towards an environmental friendly and greener world, has undertaken to plant 1500 trees near our dream school "Rotary Kishlaya Shiksha Niketan" in Shantigachi, Luxbagan, Sunderbans, West Bengal, India.
DATE - 15th August, 2020.
OBJECTIVE - 700 of these trees are fruit bearing which will aid and support the education of the students studying at Rotary Kishlaya Shiksha Niketan. The planting of these trees will also contribute towards promoting the environment as this region is among the worst hit cyclone areas in the past from Aaila in 2009 to the recent 2020 Amphan Cyclone.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? - You can help our initiative in 2 ways.
1. You could share this message across your contacts.
2. You could make a contribution and become one of our sponsors! While becoming a sponsor you can either disclose your name and the tree(s) that are planted on your behalf will have your name attached to them OR you could be an anonymous well wisher and not disclose your name at all!
COST - Each tree will cost INR 200/- . You can choose as many trees as you want.
You may choose to as follows:
Pay Online using the below links: